Haunted Summitview

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Common Questions about Haunted Summitview

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21. What do you mean by a "drive-by display"?  Can we as visitors get out and walk around?

Haunted Summitview at night
Haunted Summitview visitors
Our display consists of a small front yard filled 
with Halloween props and decorations.
Visitors are encouraged to drive past slowly and observe the haunt.
Observation from the road is sufficient.  No living victims are to enter the graveyard.

23.  Are you satan worshippers or evil people?

Hahaaa!!!  No.  Despite rumors that we are evil or crazy people, we believe in God & pray like you do. 
We only celebrate Halloween for fun!

24.  What are the Haunted Summitview crew's favorite scary movies?

Haunted Summitview Halloween movie

Haunted Summitview 1978 Halloween


Haunted Summitview Michael Myers
The original 1978 classic scary movie "Halloween" by John Carpenter is one of our favorites.
Haunted Summitview Halloween movie

Haunted Summitview 1978 Halloween


The original 1979 classic scary movie "The Fog" by John Carpenter is one of our favorites.


Haunted Summitview 1978 Halloween
The original 1982 classic scary movie "The Thing" by John Carpenter is one of our favorites.
  The original 1974 classic scary movie "BLACK CHRISTMAS" is also one of our favorites.
  As more questions are asked and answered, we'll place them here.  Check back.
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